Happy New Year + Update!

A full pup.

Well, it's been a while, and I bet you're all wondering what's been going on:For starters, happy new year! Hopefully, all of your holiday-related shenanigans went swimmingly, and at least one of you won the lottery. Awesome.Station Updates:You might have already seen that we've set up our microphones, mixing console, and a whole bunch of other stuff. So, why isn't Pizza FM on the air yet? The short answer, of course, is mainly legal-stuff-related. University policy implies that, though Pizza FM is a "Registered Student Organization" running out of a University building, we need to establish a more "official" connection with the University of Illinois if we want to be a real college radio station. Over the past month, we've been talking to various departments about becoming legally affiliated with the University, and things are looking great with a few of them. But because agreements take some time, a January launch date doesn't look too promising. But, fear not, because we're still working diligently to start streaming ASAP! Everything is in place, and we'll update you all on a new launch date shortly.Until then, our blog is back to its old tricks, we have a pizza-spankin' new calendar,  and we have a bunch of other surprises right around our metaphorical corner. Once the semester starts up again, and bright-eyed/bushy-tailed students fill the Champaign-Urbana streets, Pizza FM will officially begin the last leg of its quest for total college radio takeover.Indiegogo Perk Updates:Some of you still haven't received your "perks," and timing has a lot to do with that, with the holidays, and frolidays, and shlolidays. We just received a big box o' Pizza FM shirts, which will make their way to your torsos shortly, along with any CDs, stickers, thank-you letters, and what not you haven't received yet. Those of you who need to record Station IDs will do so as soon as we finish agreements with University entities, in case we need to include things like "You're listening to Pizza FM, produced by ______, _______, and _______." Basically, thanks for your patience!In conclusion:We love you.-Adam n' the rest of the crew at Pizza FM


Free Music! Useless Eaters - "Black Night Ultraviolet"


Listen Up! Sufjan Stevens - "Which One Are You?"