DJ of the week: Your Friend Mitch

Your Friend Mitch admiring the advent of indoor plumbing This week's installment of DJ of the week features Your Friend Mitch! "He's not my friend," you might be telling yourself. Well, by the end of this interview, you're going to wish he was. If by now you weren't convinced that Pizza.FM is replete with cool cats, rest assured this piece will convince you.Michelle P: First things first! What’s your major and what year are you?Your Friend Mitch: I'm a Psychology major, but I'm eventually planning on declaring an Economics double major. I'm a freshman at the moment.MP: How did you come up with your DJ name?YFM: I got my DJ name from trying to come up with the most inoffensive thing I could find. Anything edgy would sound lame, and anything creative would get boring.MP: What’s your show like?YFM: My show plays plays DIY music. Basically that just means that it's mostly underground bands. They all do their own booking; they're just normal people. I play a lot of Into It. Over It., Run Forever, The Front Bottoms, Andrew Jackson Jihad, and Our Lady. I'm sure I'll start playing more local C-U bands as I learn more about the scene here. Right now my local favorite is Single Player.MP: I literally am in love with both The Front Bottoms and Andrew Jackson Jihad. But anyway, what’s your favorite album so far this year?YFM:  Really? I played a show with Sean Bonnette and Ian Graham back in April, and I know Brian from The Front Bottoms. Also, this year, my favorite release was probably the new Our Lady tape, Dawning. Our Lady is a band from Springfield, IL, and they're all wonderful people. This album is WAY darker than their past stuff, but it's just as good as it used to be.MP: Wow. Wow. I am giving you the coveted Coolest Person from Pizza.FM award. Congrats. So, what’s your favorite album EVER?YFM: What a ridiculous question! I've never even thought about it. Maybe Into It. Over It. and Koji's split. Maybe Can't Maintain by Andrew Jackson Jihad. There are so many bands that I'm leaving out.MP: Do you have any super powers?YFM: My only superpower is ambiguity... but, music counts as a superpower, right??MP: Yes! Which instrument(s) do you play?YFM: I play mostly guitar, but I also play bass in two bands, ukulele, (kinda) drums, melodica, harmonica, so pretty much everything therein..MP: Incredible. Ok, so what is your favorite art form?YFM: Local music is probably my favorite art form. It's so vastly different than anything you'd find on the internet or from a friend. In the C-U scene, Easter's "Demonstration" is one of the most masterful works I've seen in a very long time.MP: Very cool! I was not expecting that! And well, my final question, and I'm sure you saw this one coming: what are you going to be for Halloween? And what should I be for Halloween, because I still haven't made up my mind.YFM: I'm going as the Log Lady from Twin Peaks! I'm really excited about it, actually. You should just wear a mask and run around causing havoc!Will I wear a mask for Halloween and run around causing havoc? Find out in the next installment of DJ of the week. Until then, you should most definitely catch Your (new) Friend Mitch on Live and DIY, Wednesdays from 8-10pm!


This Weekend! Troubadour Dali, The 92s Halloween House Show, and more!


New Music Tuesday - 10/22/13