Coachella reveals 2012 lineup

The headliners seem like they are the headliner-est bands you could get. And with Radiohead up there, three-day passes are gonna sell like hotcakes (whatever those are; why is that a cliche'?). Three-day passes were sold for a week last June, and judging by how the website has been down all day, you might try to get your tickets elsewhere ($269 sans fees).Our picks: Day One: Arctic Monkeys, Explosions in the Sky, M83, Amon Tobin, Cat Power, YUCK, Neon Indian Day Two: Radio Head, Bon Iver (though, this is a weird festival for our pal Justin), The Shins, Jeff Mangum (Holy shit!), Andrew Bird, Feist, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, St. Vincent, SBTRKT, Tune-yards, Big Pink, Childish GambinoDay Three: Dr. Dre + Snoop Dog (duh), Beirut, The Weekend, Girl Talk (only if you've never been to one of his shows), DJ Shadow, Beats Antique, Metronomy, Wild Beasts, Fanfarlo 


Tour Announcement: Radiohead


New Music Video: Real Estate's "Easy"