Cherub Canopy Club Review

While many people spend their Sunday nights relaxing and preparing for the upcoming week, Cherub hit the stage at The Canopy Club and had a wild performance, instantly making everyone get over their end-of-the-weekend blues.The funk-pop duo from Nashville brought the crowd to elation after “Boo Seeka” and “Frenship” warmed up the crowd. Luckily, I was at the front and center of the stage and got the best views of the show. Being so close to the stage already, the light show that accompanied the music seemed to draw you in even closer. As the concert went on, Cherub surprised the audience by played unreleased songs in light of their new album that was set to release just a few days after the concert.cherub2Throughout the concert there were fantastic and spontaneous guitar riffs and drum solos done by the band members and a constant flurry of beach balls being tossed by the audience. Before the duo sang one of their most popular songs, “Doses and Mimosas”, Jason Huber brought out a bottle of Jameson and one lucky birthday girl in the audience was fortunate enough to have a shot of the golden Irish whiskey poured into her mouth.The crowd was amazing, singing along to all of their songs and vibing hard with the music and the performance. At one point, Jason remarked that the love in the room is 100% genuine and this was true. I asked Jasmine Gluba about her thoughts on the concert. Jasmine, along with her friends, drove from Bloomington/Normal to see Cherub perform for the fourth time. Jasmine said “it was perfect” and that’s all she needed to say because it was clear that Cherub’s vibes had overwhelmed her with happiness and euphoria.Cherub’s new album Bleed Gold, Piss Excellence released on October 13th. I have yet to listen to it, but I’m positive that it’s going to be a banger.  


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