Album Stream: REWORK_ Philip Glass Remixed

Philip Glass is 75-years old, and is known as a key founder of the Minimalist movement, among other things. A little while ago, when Stumbleupon still showed you cool things you hadn't seen before, I came across something called the Philip Glass Machine (it might be out of commission). It was a funky little contraption that allowed you to organize a ridiculous number of Philip Glass compositions - operas, soundtracks, you name it - based on mood, era, type of composition. Basically, it was super cool and made me appreciate how much Philip Glass has really done for modern music. It seems that others are way ahead of me though, as a remix record of various Glass pieces comes out on October 23, as a tribute to the artist.Remix artists include Dan Deacon, Amon Tobin, Memory Tapes, Beck, and Peter Broderick of Efterklang (to name a few).You can stream the entire album here on NPR's First Listen.


Pygmalion 2012: More photo phun


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